
Unlock your true potential

You’ll never be the same again!

Connect with the universe

Vedic astrology is part of our culture and has been practised for many years. Vedic astrology is a combination of vedic knowledge and spiritual consciousness.  It uses the horoscope as the primary tool to make calculations and deductions. We will provide you with a personalized vedic astrology reading. Learn more about yourself and what the universe has in store for you.

You Draw the Cards,
We Read the Signs

The cards don’t lie. You can have an enlightening and fulfilling Tarot Reading with these cards. These cards are meant to provide insight into the innermost truths of yourself. Find out what your future holds with Tarot Reading.

Your Karma isn’t just destiny. It’s in your DNA

Join the shared karmic journey with PYK Yoga & Astrology. As per DNA astrology, everyone of us has a unique genetic inheritance that is compatible with the cycles and energies in the universe. Use our special DNA astrology services to find out more about your karmic journey and how it relates to life

Get an answer to one question

Your path is illuminated by a road-map of stars. I am here to guide you!